
History at UCDavis

On April 11 I will be at the University of California at Davis, to deliver the annual Eugene Lunn Memorial Address in History. The title of the adress is Transformations of History in Fiction, a topic close to my heart and mind. My own books will get...

A Year’s Dreams Part 3

  These dream accounts were made several years ago when for no reason I know, I began to have vivid story-like dreams almost nightly. You (dear reader) may be among that small population that enjoys hearing...

The Accu-thump of Googletarity

THE ACCU-THUMP OF GOOGLETARITY How much did a condom cost in 1944?  What did the package look like, where could one be bought? Were there machines in the toilets (we called them toilets) of bars, as there were in the late 1950s?  I was writing a...


May 30: I came home after a week away to find that the the extensive addition to my house had progressed astonishingly. A large, blockish addition was up and already clad in siding. A neighbor (in actual fact a splendid carpenter) had built it, and he...

Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury died in 2012 at 91, as full of years as his writing life was of words typed and seen into print. It’s impossible to mourn such a death, or such a life, as seemingly fulfilled as any mortal could aspire to.  What remains...